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When Love Comes Around (Love Conquers All) Page 16

  Starr smiled. “It’s not as bad as I thought.” It didn’t bother her one bit that Kevin bordered on the side of being slob. Nothing major, just little stuff like leaving those itsy-bitsy pieces of hair in the sink after shaving or leaving the tube of toothpaste on the bathroom sink every time he brushed his teeth. Why he couldn’t just wash the small piece of hair down the drain and put the toothpaste back in the cabinet was beyond her. As much as this drove her crazy, she could certainly live with the minor annoyances.

  He wasn’t by any means a demanding husband. He respected the fact that she worked a full-time job, too. She had been a nervous wreck the first time he’d come home and dinner wasn’t ready. Dinner not prepared by the time her father came home in the evenings was one of the many reasons for arguments between her parents. She recalled her father’s ranting. “Damn, woman! I work all day and you can’t have a decent meal on the table when I come home!” He hadn’t cared Donna had just rushed in from work and had the tasks of preparing dinner while helping two small children with homework.

  Out of nowhere, Starr went into apology mode…just like her mother. Scurrying between the refrigerator and freezer pulling out anything to throw a quick meal together, she rushed out, “I’m sorry dinner isn’t ready yet. It’ll be done in about twenty minutes. Thirty minutes top.”

  Walking over to his wife, Kevin removed the frozen bag of vegetables from her hands and flung them on the countertop. Pulling her in his arms, he said, “Hey, it’s okay. I know you’re just getting in from work. Let me go upstairs and get out this suit and I’ll be right back down to help you.”

  Watching him leave the kitchen Starr let out a heavy sigh. Her father would have never offered to help her mom. Instead, he’d cuss and rant as he stormed out the house, sometimes not coming back for days.

  Ordering their food, they passed the menus back to the waitress. “Bad as you thought? What did you think would happen?”

  “I don’t know. Like maybe he’d change.”

  “You guys only been living together for a couple of months. What could change so fast?”

  Shrugging a shoulder, she mumbled, “Like maybe get tir¾”

  Before she could finish, Karen held up her hand, stopping whatever she was about to say. “Uh-huh, baby sis, don’t go there. Kevin isn’t Daddy or Marcus. Can’t you see that that man loves you? I don’t think he could ever get tired of being with you.”

  “I know, but¾”

  Karen blew out a frustrated breath. “But nothing, Starr. I swear sometimes I could just shake you.”

  This is what Karen was afraid of. Starr was allowing their father and Marcus’ hateful and deceitful behavior to come between her and Kevin. She was happy for her sister. It had been years since she’s seen her so carefree. Without question, she was convinced her new brother-in-law was the reason for her sister’s newfound happiness. She just prayed Starr wouldn’t allow her insecurities to get in the way of her marriage.

  Frowning, rolling her eyes, Starr huffed, “What a minute girl and let me finish before you start jumping all over me. Geesh, I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted…” Shifting in her seat, softening her tone, she told her sister, “I just get so scared sometimes this is all a dream. I never had a man love me like this.” Not even when Marcus pretended to love her when it suited his needs could be compared with the way Kevin loved her. “You know…he told me even if we can’t have a baby of our own we could adopt.”

  Reaching across the table, Karen took her sister’s hand in hers. Smiling she confirmed, “See, I told you that man loves you. He’s crazy about you.” Taking the cloth napkin from her lap, Karen dabbed at the corner of her mouth. “You love him too, right?”

  Feeling the lump rising in her throat, she tried to swallow it back down. Yes, she loved her husband with all her heart. She also knew he loved her. However, it still troubled her that her man used to be a major playa. The first month they lived together, she had to adjust to the sporadic female callers. For the most part, they were polite and got the message Kevin was off the market and stopped calling. However, there was one caller who was determined to test Starr. As they eased into their second month of living together as man and wife, the little trick had the nerve to call again questioning Starr. “Who are you?” She demanded to know as if she had a right. When Starr told the little snot she was Kevin’s wife, the heifer had a nerve to laugh. “Okay…yeah right. As much as that brotha likes to sling that thang around…don’t believe the hype…yours ain’t the only honey pot he’s dippin’ in. Trust me; I know what I’m talkin’ about.”

  Kevin arrived home that night greeted by Starr yanking clothes off hangers and snatching undergarments from bureau drawers, dumping the garments into a suitcase. Perplexed, he inquired, “Hey what you doing, baby?”

  “Don’t baby me! I’m outta here!” She snarled as she glared at her husband.

  Dumbfounded, hunching broad shoulders, throwing his hands up in the air, he demanded to know, “What I do?”

  She told him every detail of the conversation with that taunting heifer. The caller had even gone as far as suggesting they were still seeing each other.

  Furious, Kevin exploded using every filthy cuss word one could imagine. Her own anger began to dissipate as she watched him snatch the phone out the base scrolling through the caller ID. He dropped the F-bomb, his eyes becoming slits as he glared at the display. Hitting the call button, he dialed the number. Starr’s jaw unhinged allowing her mouth to drop open. She couldn’t believe this gentle giant had transformed into the Incredible Hulk. She had never heard anyone get so thoroughly cussed out before as he growled every word out like an uncontrollable beast.

  Hanging up the phone fury continued to consume him. Starr was taken aback by his abrasive demeanor when he finally turned to speak to her. “Look I can’t change my past. It is what it is. I’m sorry you got that call. But how many times do I have to tell I hadn’t been with anyone months before we got married? You’re my life now. I want you and no one else.”

  Drained from a hectic day at the office and now having to deal with an angry woman, Kevin dragged both hands down his face. Every day he worked like a dog to build his business up, to increase his wealth, so when the time came she could stay home and take care of their children. He didn’t want her to have any worries as to how the bills were going to get paid. Each night he faithfully came home to her. What more could he do to prove he was a hundred percent committed to her and their life together? “I love you and I need you to trust me.”

  Remembering that night and all the ways he showed her she was his universe, Starr nodded her head. “Yes, I love him.”

  Karen smiled at her sister. She wanted her to experience the same kind of love she had with her high school sweetheart, Gregory. If she could, she would move heaven and earth to have him back. Since that fatal day five years ago, Karen hadn’t given thought to loving another man. Her life was too busy raising her children and working part-time as a dental hygienist.

  Gently squeezing her sister’s hand, she said, “Good. You better love that man with everything you got.”

  Starr returned the squeeze. “I will. I promise.”


  Whack…whack…whack… Running, swinging the racket, Kevin hit the ball with great force against the white walls in the enclosed glass court. Taking his frustrations out on the ball, he had his opponent working double time trying to keep up with him as adrenaline pumped through his veins.

  Trina was still up to her old tricks. Just that morning she had showed up outside his office building. Anger coiled through him as he thought about how she’d called his home talking trash to his wife. She better be glad his momma had raised a gentleman; otherwise, he would have knocked her into next year.

  Not in the mood for her mess, he gritted out between clenched teeth, “What do you want? I thought I told you to stay away from me and my family.”

  “Look I just came here to apologize. I didn’t mean t
o get the wifey all worked up.” Trina looked up at Kevin her eyes wide with innocence. “I didn’t know you were married.” she smoothly lied. If she couldn’t have him, then she would make the one who did, life a living nightmare.

  This was stupid. Kevin’s best bet was to walk away before he lost control and did something he would be sorry for later. Not giving her another second of his time or attention he threw over her his shoulder as he headed towards the building’s revolving door, “Well now you know. So leave us alone.”

  Trembling with anger, she wanted to jump on his back and pound his baldhead. Reigning in her emotions, she called out, “Kevin.”

  Why did he turn around? Trina stood on the sidewalk in broad daylight fondling her breast, taunting, “You know you miss this.”

  Curling his lip up in disgust, he didn’t know who he was angrier with, himself or Trina. How had he allowed himself to get so involved with a nut case like her? Why hadn’t he listened to his mother when she told him to “leave that one alone?” He was too busy thinking with his little head to hear anything his wise mother was telling him.

  Rage and embarrassment turned his face crimson as her wicked laughter floated after him. The fact that he had been seen talking with her, no matter how brief, by everyone going into the office building totally humiliated him. Shaking his head, he mumbled under his breath, “Why didn’t I listen to Momma?”

  Losing all three sets, his opponent collapsed to the floor. Kevin had taken being an aggressive racquetball player to a whole new level.

  Sweat pouring profusely down his face, burned his eyes. Grabbing the front of his shirt, he wiped his face and rubbed his eyes, soothing the burning. He couldn’t wait to take a nice cold shower to cool off and then sit in the sauna to help soothe the muscles he knew would be sore tomorrow from playing so hard today. Seeing his opponent attempting to get up from the floor, he reached down firmly grabbing the man’s hand helping him to stand. Once on his feet, Kevin gave him a firm pat on the back as they made their way out the enclosed room. “Good game, Bob.”

  Bob chuckled. “Yeah, considering you tried to kill me.”

  “I was kind of hard on you.”

  “Ya think?”

  “Sorry dude. Just had to work out some aggression.”

  “Ya think?”

  Both men erupted into laughter. “Come on man let me make it up to you. I’ll buy you a beer.”

  “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about.”

  Chapter 28

  “Oh, man, that feels so good.”

  “You like that?”

  “Yeah, baby. Don’t stop…please don’t stop.”

  “Only if you’re a good boy.”

  “I promise I’ll be a good boy.”

  Starr sat on the edge of the claw foot tub massaging Kevin’s aching, sore shoulders and back as he soaked in hot water and Epsom salt. He couldn’t believe how bad he hurt the next day. He thought sitting in the sauna yesterday would help loosen his muscles, but it hadn’t.

  Starr leaned her body in to give her hands greater pressure against his muscles. “What had you playing racquetball so hard? You are one big knot.”

  Eyes closed, enjoying the deep massage, he took a deep breath. His anger was finally ebbing away. As much as he loved his wife, he didn’t feel like rehashing Trina showing up outside his office building. Every time he thought about her outrageous behavior, he wished he had pushed her into the oncoming morning rush hour traffic. Keeping the angry acid burning in his gut from starting an erosion through the wall of his stomach, he had resorted to popping Tums all morning. A hundred times he thought about calling Starr, telling her about his visit. But he decided against it when he remembered her reaction to the jeering phone call a few weeks ago. The last thing he wanted to do was to cause her any unnecessary worry about where his affections lie. She was his life now. Nothing his former lover said or did could sway him from the comfort of the world they were building. It was a world that promised years of love, companionship, and lots of babies. Therefore, there was no reason to trouble her with Trina’s nonsense. So instead of upsetting his wife and committing murder, he pretended every time his racquet came in contact with the ball that it was Trina’s head he was whacking.

  “Just had a hell of a morning waiting for me when I got to the office yesterday.” Before a twinge of guilt could gnaw at him, he pushed it far away. He was doing the right thing by not coming clean about Trina. Wasn’t he?

  Kissing the top of his shiny baldhead, continuing the skillful pampering with her hands she offered, “You want to talk about it?” She had sensed something was up when he came home yesterday evening. Usually when he came in the house, he greeted her with, “Honey, I’m home.” Instead, he let his briefcase drop to the floor with a loud thud right before kicking off his shoes. If she hadn’t gone into the dining room to get a dish from the china cabinet she wouldn’t have known he was home. It was the loud thud from his briefcase that had alerted her he was there.

  When she asked if everything was okay, his response had been, “Yeah, baby I’m just a little tired.” She didn’t push, just gave him a soft kiss on the lips and led him to the kitchen table where his dinner was waiting.

  Later that night, while making love, he had been aggressive. Starr could barely keep up with his pounding thrusts as she held on for what felt like forever. When his thunderous release finally came, he squeezed her tight, nearly cutting off her oxygen supply. If he hadn’t afterwards cradled her kissing her damp forehead declaring, “Baby, you are my world. Please believe that,” she would have sworn the man was trying to kill her. If she could walk in the morning, it would be a miracle.

  “Nope, I don’t want to talk. This is what I want.” Without warning, he snaked his arm around her waist. With a loud splash, followed by a high pitch yelp, she fell into his lap fully clothed.

  Starr’s fiery protest was quelled the instant his tongue slipped into her warm mouth. She moaned as he coaxed her tongue to dance with his. Another soft moan escaped her mouth floating into his as his hand gently cupped a firm breast, his thumb stroking the nipple into a hard pebble. Sighing from his sweet caress, she no longer cared he’d just ruined a new pair of Ralph Lauren slacks. His tongue and hands were driving her insane. Who had time to worry about something as trivial as clothing?

  How he had so quickly disrobed her she didn’t know. Frankly, she didn’t care as she sat in the warm water between muscular thighs resting against his broad solid chest. All she cared about is that this felt right. It felt like home.

  Trailing kisses along the side of her face, he gently captured an earlobe between his lips. “You mad at me?”

  Giggling, she squirmed as he tortured one of many erogenous zones. “I should be mad at you.”

  “Oh baby, don’t be like that.”

  “Well, I am. I just bought those pants and you know it,” she pouted, stroking a muscular thigh.

  “You saying you don’t like being in here with me?”

  “No. I’m saying you could have asked a sista to take off her clothes,” she spat with attitude.

  Kevin chortled. “Starr, baby, that is so corny. You know I don’t do corny.”

  Turning to face him, she splashed water in his face. “Don’t you dare call me corny.” She laughed when he squinted like a little kid and shook his head. As soon as he opened his eyes, she attempted to splash him again. Grabbing her by the wrist, he pulled her to his chest until their lips touched. Her body shivered when he whispered against her lips, “If I were you I wouldn’t do that again.”

  He could feel her lips spread into a smile against his. “And what if I do it again?” She taunted swiping her tongue over his bottom lip. He groaned as he felt his sex come to life. This was one woman he would never get enough of. “Then I’ll just have to put you over my knee and spank you.”

  Imagining a naughty spanking with feathers, she purred, “Mmmm, I just might like that husband.”

  Starr became aware that the verbal forepl
ay was turning Kevin on as she felt his erection pressing against her. Leaning back, she looked at him lifting an arched brow.

  Kevin laughed from the expression her face held. “What you expect with you all up in my face purring like a sex kitten?”

  Gasping, feigning offense, Starr placed her hand on her chest. “Me, acting like a sex kitten?”

  “Yes, you.” A sexy, devilish smirk danced across his lips. “You are what you are.”

  He didn’t give her time to come up with a quick comeback to their playful bantering as he pulled her closer bringing her breasts up close and personal. Her eyes closed and her head fell back when the tip of his tongue circled a berry tipped nipple. When he gently tugged on her hips, she knew what to do. She knew what he wanted. She wanted it too.

  Holding onto his shoulders she gingerly lifted herself up so that his warm mouth wouldn’t lose contact with her breast. Once positioned over him, she slowly impaled her throbbing womanhood, not caring that water was being splashed everywhere. Delicious moans bubbled from her throat as she filled herself. Starr took her time loving her man. Savoring every stroke.


  Coming downstairs to get a glass of water she could hear Kevin’s muffled voice as he talked on the phone. Since he would be up for at least another hour or so, she decided to wait until he got off the phone so she could talk to him. Earlier he distracted her with some awesome lovemaking as she tried to get him to talk about what was going on with him. Though he denied anything was wrong, other than having a bad day, her gut told her otherwise. Something was troubling him and she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

  After drinking her water, she navigated herself to his office. Easing up to the door her heart pounded and she suddenly felt dizzy. Oh, God…please…no. Please… God…no. She begged as she struggled to breathe. But why? Why is she coming to his office? Why did he see her?

  Not able to hold it in any longer a strangled cry erupted past her lips. She wanted to run, but couldn’t move. Her legs were cemented to where she stood.